We would like to thank to our special guest APC

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យើងខ្ញុំសូមថ្លែងអំណរគុណដល់ភ្ញៀវកិត្តិយស APC’s ដែលបានអញ្ជើញមកទស្សនាផ្ទះគំរូ និងបានចូលរួមពិសាអាហារពេលថ្ងៃជាមួយនឹងស្នាមញញឹមដ៏សែនមានអត្ថន័យ! 


We would like to say thanks to our special guest, APC, for visiting our projects and spending the valuable time to visit our showroom and join a lunch party. Vong Residence Building One’s Harmony.

Thank you for taking the time to support Vong Housing Project!
Vong housing builds harmony together.